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National Coach Li Xiao Dong: Lecture Note

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    Posted: 03/27/2008 at 1:59am
Any one here wud be able to translate Li XiaoDong's lecture notes for Chinese team II? it would greatly benefit all the players here.  Professional and amaturs alike.









第一个环节是判断。?判断的生理机制是,当我们把对方打球时出手的方向、球的旋转以及球的位置判断清楚,这一系列判断的信号就会通过眼睛传导到大脑,如果大脑得到很清晰的信号,就会发出指令到你的四肢。信号越强,指令越清晰。?专 业选手通过条件反射做出的判断比较多,这些判断转化到动作上相对准确,也容易放松。如果判断转化到动作上相对准确,也容易放松。如果判断的信号模糊,指令 也不清楚,就容易产生紧张、僵硬。所以大家开玩笑说接弧圈球时,看人家拉得转,就开始架肩膀、架肘,最后又抬脚尖,那时候给他一个凳子踩也压不下去 (球),因为这跟判断有关。??判 断有两种,一种叫预判,一种叫盯球。预判是根据自己打出的球,在落点和线路有质量保证的前提下,根据对手击球的习惯做出的判断。这样对方回过来的球基本上 在你的�服务区�里头,下一板就比较容易按照事先的设想去击球。但如果你打的是板肉球、怂球,可以任对方随意回击,那你的套路就形成不了。?举 个例子,原来日本队有个打直板两面攻的选手叫河野满,打过男单世界冠军,他打球挺奇怪,力量不重,但正手上完步还能再侧身。当时我看不明白,心说这步伐太 快了。后来再看时不然,河野满基本上是两条直线打得好。打起对攻来,反手�啪�一板直线,又快又直,对方很难再回直线,然后正手双带对方一个直线,对方也 只能回斜线,两板后他几乎闭着眼睛侧身就能打。他得线路清晰,所以预判就容易。?预 判可以找一些规律。如果我发球发得很转,对方根本挑不了,那我下一板就准备拉下旋或台内挑。如果我发侧上旋,对方很难暴挑,只能轻挑,那就可以集中力量准 备下一板打上旋。再比如我发球,对方回来也是长球,如果我还站在原来打短球的位置上,则说明预判没有跟上。预判是击球质量的保证,有质量保证的球打得多就 会形成自己的技战术套路,甚至自己的技战术风格。??再说盯球。顾名思义,盯球就是盯对方击球,盯球触板的一瞬间。但盯球里边我们也存在好多问题。比如盯对方动作的全过程时,受对方假动作的欺骗,或者回球吃转,这是盯球方法有问题。?平时有的人打球比较懒,不盯球,总按照自己的习惯落点和固定线路打,你让盯球,结果比不盯球还慢,其实是因为没养成习惯。最开始盯球的时候可能动作慢,几个月后形成习惯就不慢了。?盯 球的方法,主要还是盯对方出手的一瞬,盯对方对球摩擦的方向、旋转和快慢。以盯发球来说,首先要盯对方击球的位置。举个接高抛球的例子,以前北京队和浙江 队打比赛,浙江对有个运动员叫何志文,那时他的高抛发球扔得特别高,一起手就扔。他扔的时候,我们的眼睛也跟着他的球出去了,一直从上往下瞅下来,当他球 拍触球时候,觉得特别突然,根本看不见发的什么球。后来我琢磨,虽然他扔得那么高,但他发球的位置没变,我就盯他球拍触球的这一下,眼睛平视,只盯触球。 用了这种方法以后,马上就有用了。这说明盯球要盯位置。?其 次就是盯对方发球时球拍的板形。比如说对方发不太转的球,板形肯定要立一些,发转的下旋球板形肯定有点躺。再就是盯对方用力的方向,触球这一下到底往哪儿 使劲?侧着使劲是侧旋,往下使劲是下旋。发下旋时,有人手上动作是先往下走,再向上挑,可能第一下是假的,第二下是真的,也可第二下是假的,第一下是真 的。这个时候一定要盯住,看他的手到底往哪个方向使劲。?再次是盯球速。转球与不转球相比,转球速度快,是直钻的;不转球由于前进的阻力大,显然就慢,球是有点飘的。当然反过来说,高手练发转不转可以把不转球和转球的手法十分相似,这样发球的隐蔽性就比较大,在判断上也不容易。 ?真正批比赛还要盯球出不出台。举个例子,韦晴光打球很会动脑子,不管到哪儿比赛,他到是比赛的地点先看球台的反弹性能。看对方发球的第一跳或打球到哪个位置会出台,打到哪个位置不出台。?就判断来说,既要盯球又要有预判,两者要结合在一起。盯球在第一位,预判在第二位。虽然打球强调以我为主,但不盯球的�以我为主�是睁眼瞎。判断要养成习惯,这是一个软功夫。?选 手训练中判断如练得不好,比赛时吃发球了,经教练场外一指导,就会把注意力全都集中在接发球上。这样即使接好了发球,第二板也不会打了。所以说平常在判断 上就要打下一个好基础,就像散步一样。养成习惯以后你判断对方打球的旋转和线路变化就容易得多,很多精力就可以去考虑战术的问题,水平自然也会提高一大块 儿。?在训练方法上,我主张打球别只用一个动作、一种旋转、一个落点和一种节奏,连续打五、六板甚至七、八板,比赛中没有这种球。我比较提倡在练习中要发力,因为发力以后必须要还原,然后下一板才能继续打,增加击球难度。发力会产生变化,有变化才比较真实。??�站位不要太近,取位多用小碎步�?


第二个环节是击球位置。?位置包含两个问题,一个是站位,一个是取位。??站位就是击球的人与球的位置、人与球台的位置。打球要根据不同的打法、不同的身高,在最舒服的位置上击球。?就身高说,王励勤1.86M,他可能站在离球台较远的位置,上去来得及,后退也方便。在这个位置上他击球最舒服,用得也最多,这个位置不是他击球的基本位置。像邓亚萍,矮一些,站得就更近一些。因为她如果站远了,短球可能上不去。?除了身高,基本站位还要看选手的打法特点和一些习惯。比如发力较多、跑动比较好的选手,可以站位稍远;自己发力比较弱,但借力球好的选手,站位就略近些;跑动范围不大,侧身较少,正反手两面实力比较均衡的选手站位就靠中间一些。?站位是要有调节的。比如现在有许多人认为,人站得离球台比较近,可以加快速度。这是片面的,它没有想到如果对方来球较拱,击球顶板,站位太近容易发不上力。这务必要退出来。?为什么和大家谈这个?我教学的例子成功的多,失败得也多。比如北京队有个打直板正胶的,很好的球就是赢不了。后来还是我给他看出问题----站位太近了。站近了会怎样。?人在移动的时候, 往前移动的速度是最快的,横向移动的速度其次,最慢的是由前往后跑。站位近了以后,被人家的球顶住就是由前往后跑,整个移动就慢了。所以说,站位不能为了图快而太靠前,一是失误较多,二是发不出力。??再说取位。取位按要求来说,身体要倾斜,尤其是正手的动作,球、手、身体基本上要成三角形。如果成为一个弧面的话就很难打,发不了力,身体也没有重心。?一般教练教球是的第一句话就是要让我们身前击球,不能身旁击球和身后击球,因为不符合击球原理。另外一点,打球时不能离身体太远,那样容易失去重心。一般只有处理台内短球时,手与重心才有分开的可能,剩下大部分的球、重心和手应该是一体的。?出手的时候,重心和手要有同一性:同一时间和同一方向。球打得越好、越高级的人,同时也打得越简单。因为她重心和手的方向是一致的,非常协调。再如侧身挑打,谁能够脚下悬空,没有支点把球挑出去。?再 从取位的步法上来说,专业选手的大部分步法问题不是很大,但大家比较容易忽视的是小碎步(垫步)。许多人都怕对方往自己的中间位置来一个又短又高的球,动 都不会动,等正手侧过身来,球已经很低了,没法打。所以往往随便用反手乱一板。这些其实都靠小碎步调整。小碎步用得最多的情况是向前、后以及斜上、斜下方 的移动。?蔡指导 举过一个侧身以后赶正手位的例子。正手侧身以后(以右手为例),重心压在左脚上,很多人从这一步就开始往正手位赶,但这时他的重心离球台特别远,看上去非 常狼狈。比较好的方式是,侧身以后应该先用小碎步调整,垫一下后再动,一边上步一边转体,非常舒服。如果侧身后重心压死在左脚上不还原,没有小碎步的意 识,就做不出后面的动作。?再 讲一下取位时重心的问题。一个人打球重心应该往下压,利用地面的反作用力,脚上受到这种反作用力,就像踩弹簧一样,从下往上顶出来。像王励勤这点做得就比 较好,他拉球就能拉住劲,就在于利用了这种反作用力,腿由后往前蹬出,身体的力量也释放出来了。这样打出的球就比原来快了一点点,不然等到球来了之后再往 下压重心,力量就不能完全出来。在这个环节上我教了25年错球,这几年才算比较清楚。??不要�假快�,要�真快�?



第三个环节是击球时间。?击球时间是个大菜。一般打乒乓球有五个击球时间:上升点早期、上升点晚期、最高点期、下降点早期和下降点晚期。?上升点早期借力相对容易,但是这个点因为比球网还低,速度又快,所以处在这个点的球很难发出力来,无谓失误也多。如果在这个点击球算快的话也是�假快�。好多人�假快�----包括王励勤,击球点离身体太远,发不出力。王励勤的反手解决得还不太好,就是�假快�,当然我也有责任。何时击球点离身体不太远,能借上力了,反手就好一点儿。所以大家还是要�真快�。?上 升点晚期是击球最好的点,因为此时对方旋转还没有完全出来,击球又有一定的准备时间。这个点好发力,也好借力,而且出手速度快,动作也隐蔽。王皓的这个点 打得比较好,是�真快�。我们也可以回忆一下,打得最痛快的球几乎都是在这个点上,这个点用于主动进攻比较多,所以我们可以把这个点作为主要的击球时间。?条 三个是最高点期。最高点打球可能是最容易、最稳定的,因为有更充足的准备时间,球的弧线也最高��比球网高得多,这是优点。但也有缺点:球的旋转出来得最 多,容易吃转,在最高点打球,对方也相对好判断,出手没那么隐蔽。如果把最高点当成主要的进攻时间,可能有点落后,球也没有那么大的威力。?下 降点早期,在对方的旋转比较强,自己本身发力出现困难或者需要调节的时候,往往打这个点。可能打削球用这个点更多一些。但是打削球我也主张别总在这个时间 点击球。如果全是�海底捞月�那球就太慢了,光看着好看,银样蜡枪头,中看不中用。咱们应该表面上�钢�,骨子里也�钢�。比如陈新华的削球就比较好,个 子也高,削得就比较快。?下降点晚期是最不可取的,这是一个辅助的击球点,除了放高球、不合位的球用以外,别的球尽量不要用。选手在下降点晚期打球,必须加强旋转,才能把过高的弧线压下去,要拉转的,千万别搓。


我再介绍一下接弧圈球的诀窍,也跟击球时间有关,分三个部分:?第一,对方如果拉得比较转,防守的击球点要和球网一般高;如果我想发力回击,就在一个半网高或再高一点的位置击球;如果对方的球过了两个球网的高度,那它的旋转就全出来了,王励勤也难压住,只能直接打。?第二,控制球的弧线,不能完全靠压板。有的人接弧圈球的板形压成了180度, 蹭到薄皮算好的,剩下的不是拉漏了,就是打到板边了。其实我们不用压这么狠,要把弧线控制好,一是靠击球时间,二是靠身体和手的用力方向,也就是重心帮助 手往下压。身体重心的作用有好几个:稳定上下肢;帮助发力;帮助调节手型。光靠手有时控制不了弧线,而重心对控制弧线长短、高低的作用特别大。?第三,反手接弧圈球的时候,要学会往下横向发力(以右手握拍为例)。现在好多人教球时经常说反手动作应该往前,但动作太往前就容易往上,往上就容易出界。其实这样说并不准确,接弧圈球的时候,反手其实是往右用力,这样反手接弧圈球,反拉反弹就容易得多。?(本文发表在<乒乓世界>第二期上,是李晓东教练在国二队的讲课稿)??




击球有理(下) 李晓东谈击球的五个环节












机会球用大力量,肯定动作是大的,重心交换 的幅度是大的,球与板之间距离也是大的,这就是合理的。但我要解释一下,幅度大的动作里要包含�小�,�吃球�这一下动作要上得去。不能说动作大,胳膊抡 圆了,但触球的时候球拍是匀速打出去,这样的球能打出劲吗?应该是触球之前先放松,最后触球时再把劲使完,否则动作就会发僵。






第一,打所有的球都要有重心的作用。打球为 了让球转点儿,要�点�一下,有重心;搓球和推挡也要有重心。好多人只用手打球,不用重心打球。有些人劲在肩膀,脚底下是空的。就象胖人只是身上有肉,发 不出力。正确的触球部位应该在板头。一是有力量和旋转,二是球打在板头,弧线出来很好。















机会球用大力量,肯定动作是大的,重心交换 的幅度是大的,球与板之间距离也是大的,这就是合理的。但我要解释一下,幅度大的动作里要包含�小�,�吃球�这一下动作要上得去。不能说动作大,胳膊抡 圆了,但触球的时候球拍是匀速打出去,这样的球能打出劲吗?应该是触球之前先放松,最后触球时再把劲使完,否则动作就会发僵。






第一,打所有的球都要有重心的作用。打球为 了让球转点儿,要�点�一下,有重心;搓球和推挡也要有重心。好多人只用手打球,不用重心打球。有些人劲在肩膀,脚底下是空的。就象胖人只是身上有肉,发 不出力。正确的触球部位应该在板头。一是有力量和旋转,二是球打在板头,弧线出来很好。





















第一个叫摩擦调节。摩擦调节主要在于手腕、手指的用力。当然也有重心的用力。摩擦调节时要引拍,如果不引拍,手腕手指用不上劲儿。 我觉得手腕加速带动前臂挥动比重心带动手臂挥动要快。举个打人的例子,如果我要打人,手腕不使劲儿,打一下对方根本不在乎,如果手腕用力,打得就疼了。再加上重心,与手腕在同一时间、朝同一方向用力,就如虎添翼。






真正通过调节板形来调节球,没有什么球是攻不了的。当然这也有技巧。比如这个球是下旋,我通过亮板,通过敲击,觉得这球弧线够过网了,我肯定敢打。什么时候 �亮�,什么时候�压�,是一个技巧,亮晚了球肯定出界,压早了球肯定下网。球下网多半是板形调节少,出界多半是击球点太�厚�。


调节球里有很多微调,跟半导体收音机一样,比如说FM0.9 是北京台,FM0.91就听不清楚。上旋球里不太转的,就亮一点板儿,转的就稍压一点儿;不太转的球可能借力多,转得球发力多。板形调节特别重要,要随时调。




中等力量最看能力。主要用在主动进攻和连续 进攻,六、七成力就差不多。借力中发力是一种合力,利用对方的力量和旋转,加上自己的力量和旋转,两个力合到一块儿。借力中发力好象是打回头球,其实根本 不用使多大劲。对方用六成的力,我也用六成的力?我觉得如果用这么大的劲打上了也是偶然。用四、五成的力击过去球的效果跟七八成的效果差不多,而且前者的 把握性还大。


借力为主,多用在快速相持、快速防御和积极 防御中。这要求出手的命中率。卸力多用于摆短和发短球中。有时候用生胶或正胶接弧圈也是卸力。学任何新东西,掌握任何新技术,首先要学会发力,学会发力以 后于学调节球就容易多了。拿发球来说,不能因为想发短球就不敢使劲儿,轻轻碰一下。虽然短了,但对方可以随便打。我要先使劲,使完劲再忍,再往回收这股劲 儿。


第四个是节奏的调节。现在速度是发展的核 心,更确切地说是速度加旋转。光旋转强,速度慢,威胁不大;光速度快,旋转不强,威胁也不大。纯速度、纯旋转的年代已经过去了,速度、旋转、力量三者结合 起来威力最大。目前来说,三者结合最好的是王皓,王励勤也在往这方面努力��相对来说他的速度和力量很好,旋转还差点儿;马琳的旋转很好,速度和力量差了 点儿。




节奏说白了就是快慢,我们常说打球�一下一 下的�。什么是�一下一下的�?王涛是生胶,我教了他九年,解决了两个问题。第一个,正手近台快带��这不是我发明的,他以前也有,只不过大家是偶尔用, 他经常用。第二是反手生胶的快拨,北方人叫�快扒拉�,这就是�一下一下的�,是�真快�。


节奏跟力量大概有这样几种情况,跟绕口令一 样:�敌重我重�,就是对方发力我好发力,这种情况用得不多;�敌轻我轻���这种用的也不多,就是对方轻的时候我发不了力,就再回一个轻的,这叫积极地 控制和反控制。用是比较多的是�敌轻我重�和�敌重我轻���分别是对方轻打的时候我发力,对方发力的时候我防御。在这里,我们要争取�敌轻我重�。


funplay, enjoy the game
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please tell us what this is
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5 steps to sucess

1. Judgment
2. Attack Placement
3. Timing
4 n 5 gets way complicated, i suck at reading simplified
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I translated the page through AltaVista language translator, its not perfect, but maybe it will help.  Maybe a forum member that reads Chinese can help furhter.
National sports team coach Li Xiaodong discussed hits a ball five links ? Hits a ball holds true (on)? Li Xiaodong discussed hits a ball five links? ? ---------- Hits a ball five links: The judgement, hits a ball the position, hits a ball the time, hits a ball is away from and the adjustment ball. This content my Worker Cen Huaiguang before has said, "Pingpong World" also has published, but such many years I or have some new experiences. I and he say the topic is same, but says the thing is incompletely same. This is some dozen ping pong foundational truth, hoped can to the contestant potential development, strengthen the theory knowledge to have the help, I hoped everybody do not have completely to depend on the perception to play a ball game, but is uses "the principle" to play a ball game. ? "The judgement is not good, steps on the stool also not to be able to press"? The first link is the judgement. ? The judgement physiological mechanism is, when we play a ball game opposite party gets rid of the direction, the ball revolve as well as the ball position judgement is clear, this a series of judgements signal can conduct the cerebrum through the eye, if the cerebrum obtains the very clear signal, can send out the instruction to yours four limbs. Signal stronger, the instruction is clearer. ? The specialized contestant the judgement which makes through the conditioned reflex quite many, these judgements transforms to the movement is photogenic to accurately, also is easy to relax. If judges transforms is photogenic to accurately to the movement, also is easy to relax. If judges signal fuzzy, the instruction is not clear, is easy to produce intensely, is stiff. Therefore everybody cracks a joke said when meets the loop drive, looked others pull transfers, starts a shoulder, the frame elbow, finally lifts the tip of the toe, that time a stool steps on for him also cannot press (ball), because this concerns with the judgement. ? ? The judgement has two kinds, one kind calls to sentence in advance, one kind calls to stare at the ball. Sentences is the ball in advance which splits out according to oneself, has under the premise in the point of descent and the line which the quality guaranteed, hits a ball the judgement according to the match which the custom makes. Such opposite party returns the ball basically in you "the service area" inside, the next board quite easily according to beforehand conceives hits a ball. But if you hit are the board meat ball, instigate the ball, may no matter what opposite party counter-attacks at will, then your repertoire could not form. ? Giving an example, the original Japanese team has the contestant which hits straight board both sides to attack to be called the river wildly to be full, has hit the men's singles world champion, he plays a ball game very strangely, the strength is not heavy, but in the forehand step also can again be sideways. At that time I looked did not understand, the heart said this step too was quick. Afterwards looked again when otherwise, the river wild completely basically is two straight lines hits well. Hits to attacks, backhand "pa" a board straight line, also also is quickly straight, opposite party very difficult to return to the straight line again, then a forehand double belt opposite party straight line, opposite party also only can return to the oblique line, after two boards he nearly shuts the eye be sideways to be able to hit. His line is clear, therefore sentences in advance easily. ? Sentences in advance may look for some rules. If I serve send very much transfer, opposite party could not select, then my next board pulled 下旋 or in on the preparation selects. If I send the side 上旋, the opposite party very difficult storm to select, only can lightly select, that may concentrate the strength preparation next board to hit 上旋. Again for instance I serve, opposite party comes back also is the long ball, if I also stand originally am playing the drop shot in the position, then explained sentences in advance has not followed. Sentences is in advance hits a ball the quality guarantee, some quality guaranteed the ball hits a lot can form own technique tactic repertoire, even own technique tactic style. ? ? Also stares at the ball. As the name suggests, stares at the ball is stares at opposite party to hit a ball, stares at the ball to touch board the flash. But stares at inside the ball we also to have many problems. When for instance stares at entire process which opposite party act, opposite party feigning movement deceit, or returns the ball to eat the extension, this is stares at the ball method to have the question. ? Usually some people play a ball game quite lazily, does not stare at the ball, always defers to own custom point of descent and the fixed line hits, you let stare at the ball, finally compares does not stare at the ball to be also slow, actually is because has not formed a habit. Most starts to stare at the ball time possible movement slow, after several months form the custom not to be slow. ? Stares at the ball method, mainly or stares at opposite party to get rid of as soon as flickers, stares at opposite party to the ball friction direction, revolves with the speed. Stares at serves said that, first must stare at the position which opposite party hits a ball. Cites example which meets high throws a ball, beforehand Beijing team and the Zhejiang team participates the competition, Zhejiang to has an athlete's to name be He Zhiwen, at that time his Gao Pao to serve specially throws high, together the hand throws. He throws, our eye also was exiting with his ball, continuously downward takes a look down from on, when his racket touches ball time, thought specially suddenly, cannot see any ball which sends. Afterwards I pondered over, although he threw that high, but he served the position has not changed, I stared at his racket to touch the ball this, the eye horizontally view, only stared at touches the ball. With this method after, was useful immediately. This indicated stares at the ball to have to stare at the position. ? Next is stares at opposite party serves when the racket board shape. For instance said opposite party sends the ball which not too transfers, the board shape definitely must set up some, sends transfers 下旋 the racket shape definitely a little to lie down. Again is stares at the direction which opposite party makes an effort, where touches the ball this toward to make an effort? Leans is making an effort is the side turns on lathe, downward makes an effort is 下旋. When sends 下旋, has in the manpower the movement is first downward walks, then upwardly selects, is possible first is false, second is really, also may second be false, first is real. This time certainly needs to observe closely, looked which direction his hand does make an effort toward. ? Is once more stares at the ball fast. Transfers the ball with not to transfer the ball to compare, transfers the ball speed to be quick, is straight drills; Does not transfer the ball because goes forward resistance big, obviously is slow, the ball is a little flutters. Certainly in turn said that, the master practices sends does transfer may not transfer the ball and transfers the ball the technique extremely similarly, like this serves the hiding quite is big, is not easy in the judgement. ? The true batch of competition also must stare at the ball to appear. Giving an example, Wei Qingguang plays a ball game very can move the brain, where no matter to competes, he to is the competition place first looks at the ball resilience performance. Looked which position opposite party does serve as soon as jumps or plays a ball game can appear to, to project on which position not to appear. ? On judges said, both must stare at the ball and to have to have sentences in advance, two must unify in together. Stares at the ball in first, sentences in advance in second. Although plays a ball game the emphasis by me primarily, but does not stare at the ball "primarily is opens the eyes blindly by me". The judgement must form a habit, this is a soft time. ? The contestant trains judges like practices is not good, when competition ate has served, after the training field outside an instruction, could all concentrate the attention in meets serves on. Like this even if met has served, the second board could not hit. Therefore said usually must build a good foundation in the judgement, the picture takes a walk is same. After forms a habit you judge revolving which opposite party plays a ball game with the line change to be much easier, very many energy may consider tactical the question, the level naturally also can enhance a bulk. ? In the training method, I advocated plays a ball game don't only uses a movement, one kind to revolve, a point of descent and one kind of rhythm, continuously hits five, six boards even seven, eight boards, in the competition not this kind of ball. I compare advocated must send the strength in the practice, because will send the strength later to have to have to return to original state, then the next board will be able to continue to hit, the increase will hit a ball the difficulty. Sends the strength to be able to have the change, has the change only then quite to be real. ? ? "The station position do not have too near, multipurpose takes the position small to be garrulous step"? The second link is hits a ball the position. ? The position contains two questions, is the station position, takes the position. ? ? The station position is the person and the ball position, the person and a ball position which hits a ball. Plays a ball game must act according to the different fighting method, the different height, hits a ball in the most comfortable position. ? Said on the height that, Wang Liqin 1.86M, he possibly stands is leaving a ball farther position, comes up with enough time, the backlash is also convenient. He hits a ball in this position comfortably, with are also most, this position is not the basic position which he hits a ball. Like Deng Yaping, short somewhat, stand nearer somewhat. Because she if stood far, the drop shot possibly could not come up. ? Except the height, the fundamental station position also needs to look at contestant's fighting method characteristic and some customs. For instance sends the strength many, moves the quite good contestant, may stand the position to be slightly far; Own send the strength quite to be weak, but borrows the strength ball good contestant, station position slightly near; Moves the scope not to be big, are be sideways less among, is backhanding the both sides strength quite balanced contestant to stand the position to depend on some. ? The station position is must have the adjustment. For instance the present has many people to believe that, the person stands quite is near to ball, may speed up the speed. This is one-sided, it had not thought if opposite party comes the ball comparatively to arch, hits a ball the roof, the station position too near is easy not to send the strength. This service essential withdraws. ? Why and does everybody discuss this? My teaching example succeeds many, also is defeated many. For instance the Beijing team has to hit the straight stiff rubber, the very good ball was cannot win. Afterwards or I saw the question ---- station position to him too to be near. How stood near has been able. ? The person in moves, proceeds the speed which moves is quickest, what the derailing speed next, is slowest is after goes runs. Station position near after, withstands by others ball is after goes runs, the entire migration was slow. Therefore front, the station position cannot quickly but too depend on for the chart, one is the fault are more, two is sends does not strive. ? ? Also takes the position. Takes the position according to request to say that, the body essentially inclines, in particular the forehand movement, the ball, the hand, the body basically must become the triangle. If becomes a cambered surface very to be difficult to hit, could not send the strength, the body also does not have the center of gravity. ? The general training teaches the ball is the first speech is must let in front of our body hit a ball, cannot nearby the body hit a ball with after death hits a ball, because does not tally hits a ball the principle. When, plays a ball game cannot leave the body too far, such is easy to lose the center of gravity. When generally only a processing in drop shot, the hand and the center of gravity only then have the separated possibility, is left over the majority of balls, the center of gravity and the hand should be a body. ? Gets rid of, the center of gravity and the hand must have the identity: Identical time and unidirection. The ball person hits well, a higher-level, simultaneously also hits simply. Because her center of gravity and the hand direction is consistent, extremely coordinates. Moreover be sideways selects hits, who can under the foot be hanging, does not have the pivot to pick up the ball. ? Again from takes the position the step to say that, the specialized contestant's majority of steps question is not very big, but everybody quite is easy to neglect is small is garrulous step (pad step). Many people all feared opposite party comes a short high ball toward own middle position, moves all cannot move, and so on the forehand leans the body to come, the ball very much has already lowered, has no way to hit. Therefore often casually with backhands the chaotic board. These actually all depend on the small garrulous step of adjustment. Small garrulous step uses most situations is after front, as well as on is slanting, the slanting underneath migration. ? Cai will instruct to lift be sideways later to catch up with the forehand position the example. The forehand be sideways later (take right hand as example), the center of gravity will press on the left leg, very many people from this step will start toward the forehand position to catch up with, but by now his center of gravity to ball specially far, will have a liking for is extremely distressed. Compared with the good way is, be sideways later will be supposed first to use the small garrulous step of adjustment, after will front moves again, on a step of on the other hand swivel, extremely will be on the one hand comfortable. If after be sideways the center of gravity pressure dies on the left leg does not return to original state, does not have the small garrulous step of consciousness behind, cannot make the movement. ? Again discusses takes when the position the center of gravity issue. A person plays a ball game the center of gravity to be supposed downward to press, uses the ground the reacting force, on the foot receives this kind of reacting force, the picture steps on the spring to be same, upward goes against from under. This spot does like Wang Liqin quite is good, he pulls the ball to be able to hold on the vigor, lay in uses this kind of reacting force, the leg has proceeded the pedal by after to leave, the bodily strength also released. Like this splits out the ball on an original has been quicker than spot, after otherwise when the ball has come again downward presses the center of gravity, the strength cannot completely come out. I have taught 25 year wrong ball on this link, these years only then calculate quite clearly. ? ? Does not want "the vacation quickly", wants "to be really quick"? The third link is hits a ball the time. ? Hits a ball the time is a main dish. Generally plays the ping pong to have five to hit a ball the time: 上升点 early time, 上升点 later period, peak time, 下降点 early time and 下降点 later period. ? 上升点 the early time borrows the strength to be relatively easy, but this spot because compared to net also low, speed quick, therefore occupies this spot ball to be very difficult to send out the strength to come, the senseless fault are also many. If hits a ball in this spot calculated the quick speech also is "the vacation is quick". Many people "vacation quick" ---- including Wang Liqin, hits a ball too is far to the body, sends does not strive. Wang Liqin backhand also solves not too well, is "the vacation is quick", certainly I also have the responsibility. When hits a ball to the body not too far, could borrow the strength, the backhand was good little. Therefore everybody or wants "to be really quick". ? 上升点 the later period is hits a ball the best spot, because this time opposite party revolves does not have completely to come out, hits a ball also has certain time to prepare. This spot good sends the strength, also good borrows the strength, moreover gets rid of the speed to be quick, the movement also hides. Wang Hao this spot hits quite well, is "is really quick". We also may recollect, hits the happiest ball nearly all is on this spot, this spot uses in to attack on own initiative quite many, therefore we may main hit a ball the time this spot achievement. ? Strip three are the peak times. The peak plays a ball game possibly is easiest, stablest, because has more sufficient time to prepare, ball arc also most Gao?? is much higher than the net, this is a merit. But also has the shortcoming: The ball revolves many, is easy to eat the extension, plays a ball game in the peak, the opposite party also relatively good judgement, gets rid of not that hides. If regards as the peak the main attack time, possibly a little falls behind, the ball also does not have the that big might. ? 下降点 the early time, revolves in opposite party quite strongly, own itself sends the strength to appear the difficulty or needs to adjust, often hits this spot. Possibly hits cuts with this spot more somewhat. But hits cuts I also to advocate don't always hits a ball in this time spot. If all were "海底捞月" that ball too has been slow, the light looks attractively, the silver type wax spear head, center could not settle on uses. We should on the surface "the steel", in the bone also "the steel". For instance Chen Xinhua's cut quite good, stature also high, truncates quite is quick. ? 下降点 the later period is most may not take, this is auxiliary hits a ball the spot, except puts the lob, does not gather the position the ball with outside, other ball do not have to use as far as possible. The contestant plays a ball game in 下降点 the later period, must strengthen revolves, can press the high arc, must pull transfers, surely do not rub the hands. I introduced again meets the loop drive the knack, also with hits a ball the time related, divides three parts: ? First, opposite party if pulls the comparison to transfer, the defense hits a ball the spot to have general to be high with the net; If I want to send the strength counter-attack, the high position hits a ball in a half net Gao Huozai; If opposite party ball two net altitudes, then it revolved all came out, Wang Liqin was also difficult to suppress, only could directly hit. ? Second, the control ball arc, cannot depend entirely on the clamp. Some people met the loop drive the board shape to press 180, rubbed to the pellicle calculated good, was left over is not pulls has leaked, was projects on the flange. Actually we do not need to press such ruthlessly, must control the arc, one is depends on hits a ball the time, two is depends on the body and the hand makes an effort the direction, also is the center of gravity helps the assistant downward to press. The bodily center of gravity function has quite several: On stable lower limb; The help sends the strength; Help adjustment. The light depended on the hand sometimes not to be able to control the arc, but the center of gravity to controlled the arc length, the height function is specially big. ? Third, backhandedly meets the loop drive time, must learn downward crosswise to send the strength (take right hand 握拍 as example). Now many people teach when the ball frequently said the backhand movement should proceed, but the movement too easily proceeds upward, upward to be easy out-of-bounds. Actually like this said certainly, does not meet the loop drive time, the backhand actually is toward right makes an effort, like this backhandedly meets the loop drive, instead pulls the resilience to be much easier. ? (This article publishes on second issue, is Li Xiaodong trains in country two rows teaching manuscripts)? ? Hits a ball holds true (next) Li Xiaodong to discuss hits a ball five links "Hits any type the ball to choose any type the distance" The fourth link is hits a ball the distance. Hits a ball is away from mainly is between the ball and the board distance. This distance bigger, sends the strength to be easier, the strength is also bigger; But makes a mistake also many, is not easy to be stable. Otherwise, distance smaller, sends the strength to be more difficult, but is easy to borrow the strength, also is easy to adjust and the control. According to this theory, should be hits any type the ball on correspondingly to choose any type the distance. If the opportunity ball, between the ball and the board distance should big somewhat; An opposite processing in ball if also uses the that great distance, hits the ball definitely does not transfer. Plays a ball game probably divides four plants the situation: One kind hits the opportunity ball, one kind is the driving attack, one kind is fast is locked in a stalemate, but also some one kind is the active defense. These four kind of balls nearly summarized the situation which all plays a ball game. The opportunity ball with the big strength, definitely the movement is big, the center of gravity exchange scope is big, between the ball and the board is away from also is big, this is reasonable. But I must explain, in the scope big movement must contain "is small", "eats the ball" this movement to want on to go. Cannot say the movement is big, arm 抡圆, but touches the ball the time racket is the uniform speed splits out, such ball can split out the vigor? Should be touches in front of the ball first relaxes, finally touches when the ball again causes the vigor, otherwise the movement can become stiff. The driving attack ball must use the medium strength, the movement, the center of gravity exchange, the distance also is medium. Fast is locked in a stalemate with active defense strength smaller somewhat, fast is locked in a stalemate probably only uses three, four tenths strength, the active defense uses two, three tenths strength. Although I said easily, may start is not certainly easy. The big strength and the small strength fortunately differentiate, big strength and medium strength, medium strength and small strength some times actually not good differentiate. Here has several know-how to have to say. First, hits all balls all to have to have the center of gravity the function. Plays a ball game in order to let the ball 转点 son, wants "the spot", has the center of gravity; 搓球 and half volleying with push also must have the center of gravity. Many people only use the hand to play a ball game, does not need the center of gravity to play a ball game. Some person of vigor in the shoulder, under the foot are spatial. Only is on the body has the meat on likely the fat person, sends does not strive. Correct touches the ball spot to be supposed in the board. One, has the strength and revolves, two is the ball hits in the board, the arc comes out very well. Second, hits any ball all to want "to gather" on the strength (to borrow strength). Serves is borrowing the strength the spot to be most comfortable. Meets serves borrows the strength to meet well, selects hits borrows the strength to select well, defends borrows the strength good pressure... ... Not only borrows the strength, sometimes also borrows revolves. Third, hits all balls gets rid of when the strength all to have to concentrate. Gets rid of the centralism to be able to hit thoroughly the ball, in the hand feeling wants to be very many well. 搓球, serves, half volleying with push is also same, all things all must get rid of the centralism. Originally once passed on the strong instruction to say, played a ball game wants "to eat heavily", said extremely well, especially was getting rid of concentrates this wants "to eat heavily". The fourth link is hits a ball the distance. Hits a ball is away from mainly is between the ball and the board distance. This distance bigger, sends the strength to be easier, the strength is also bigger; But makes a mistake also many, is not easy to be stable. Otherwise, distance smaller, sends the strength to be more difficult, but is easy to borrow the strength, also is easy to adjust and the control. According to this theory, should be hits any type the ball on correspondingly to choose any type the distance. If the opportunity ball, between the ball and the board distance should big somewhat; An opposite processing in ball if also uses the that great distance, hits the ball definitely does not transfer. Plays a ball game probably divides four plants the situation: One kind hits the opportunity ball, one kind is the driving attack, one kind is fast is locked in a stalemate, but also some one kind is the active defense. These four kind of balls nearly summarized the situation which all plays a ball game. The opportunity ball with the big strength, definitely the movement is big, the center of gravity exchange scope is big, between the ball and the board is away from also is big, this is reasonable. But I must explain, in the scope big movement must contain "is small", "eats the ball" this movement to want on to go. Cannot say the movement is big, arm 抡圆, but touches the ball the time racket is the uniform speed splits out, such ball can split out the vigor? Should be touches in front of the ball first relaxes, finally touches when the ball again causes the vigor, otherwise the movement can become stiff. The driving attack ball must use the medium strength, the movement, the center of gravity exchange, the distance also is medium. Fast is locked in a stalemate with active defense strength smaller somewhat, fast is locked in a stalemate probably only uses three, four tenths strength, the active defense uses two, three tenths strength. Although I said easily, may start is not certainly easy. The big strength and the small strength fortunately differentiate, big strength and medium strength, medium strength and small strength some times actually not good differentiate. Here has several know-how to have to say. First, hits all balls all to have to have the center of gravity the function. Plays a ball game in order to let the ball 转点 son, wants "the spot", has the center of gravity; 搓球 and half volleying with push also must have the center of gravity. Many people only use the hand to play a ball game, does not need the center of gravity to play a ball game. Some person of vigor in the shoulder, under the foot are spatial. Only is on the body has the meat on likely the fat person, sends does not strive. Correct touches the ball spot to be supposed in the board. One, has the strength and revolves, two is the ball hits in the board, the arc comes out very well. Second, hits any ball all to want "to gather" on the strength (to borrow strength). Serves is borrowing the strength the spot to be most comfortable. Meets serves borrows the strength to meet well, selects hits borrows the strength to select well, defends borrows the strength good pressure... ... Not only borrows the strength, sometimes also borrows revolves. Third, hits all balls gets rid of when the strength all to have to concentrate. Gets rid of the centralism to be able to hit thoroughly the ball, in the hand feeling wants to be very many well. 搓球, serves, half volleying with push is also same, all things all must get rid of the centralism. Originally once passed on the strong instruction to say, played a ball game wants "to eat heavily", said extremely well, especially was getting rid of concentrates this wants "to eat heavily". The fifth link adjusts the ball. The adjustment ball feeling is one kind of ability, also is one kind of connotation, this is the most essence part, did not look the movement is good looked. When adjustment ball, the different person because of some on the one hand is possibly good little. For instance Wang Liqin forehand good, Wang Hao backhand, a Ma Lin's in ball is good. The big ball and not covers after the rule execution which serves, to contestant's strength request compared to original Gao Henduo. The pellet and the big ball compared, revolves dropped nearly 1/4, controlled the ball to drop several percentage points. Like Kong Linghui, the old tile style hits the pellet also good, will trade the big ball later to come under the very tremendous influence, the speed, the strength is insufficient. Takes lies pushes said that, Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui initially pushed 50, 60 kilograms has used energy, now Ma Linneng pushes more than 90 kilograms, Wang Liqin can push more than 100 kilograms. Contestant's comprehensive quality and the special quality are more and more important, you must run at least suffice, the strength quickly suffice "to kill" the dead opposite party. The pingpong technological development now already more and more was fine, contestant's level also more and more approached. For instance in 2007 the World Cup competes Wang Liqin □□□□I to say the quite several chapters to Liu Chengmin, if Wang Liqin backhand again weak little, the first board quality is again low little, should lose to Liu Chengmin. We process each ball to be able to think that, how lets the backhand flush, the forehand is more ominous, 搓球 transfers, defends goes against, but must think the hit probability and the quality have the guarantee, must have to adjust and to control, not the be ball all can prey on. The adjustment ball meaning is specially broad. First is called the friction adjustment. The friction adjustment mainly lies in the skill, finger making an effort. Certainly also has the center of gravity making an effort. When friction adjustment must direct the racket, if does not direct the racket, the skill finger does not use the zeal. I thought the skill acceleration impetus forearm wields 比重心 drives the arm to wield must be quick. Lifts to hit person's example, if I must hit the person, the skill does not make an effort, hits the opposite party simply not to care about, if the skill makes an effort, hit hurts. In addition the center of gravity, with the skill in the identical time, the dynasty unidirection makes an effort, even more powerful. In the friction adjustment, I thought the friction main function is the solution revolves the question, cannot mistake as so long as has the friction, this ball hits. Does not permit also to have one kind to the arc feeling. Deng Yaping hits, good plays a ball game the arc is specially good. Second is the board shape adjustment. The board shape adjustment is an extremely high-quality thing, before discussed little, these two years discuss slightly more than 1. Presses the board to hit an in ball to be able to hit? Definitely could not hit, dozen on bottom wire. Therefore meets the ball which serves selects transfers to want "to be bright" a board, selects does not transfer the ball to want "to set up" a board. Truly adjusts the ball through the adjustment board shape, no ball was cannot attack. Certainly this also has the skill. For instance this ball is 下旋, I through the bright board, through the rap, thought this ball arc has sufficed the net, I definitely dare to hit. When "is bright", when "is the pressure", a skill, the bright late ball out-of-bounds, has definitely pressed early the ball affirmation bottom wire. The ball bottom wire mostly is the board shape adjusts few, out-of-bounds mostly is hits a ball too "to be thick". In the adjustment ball has very many trimmings, is same with the transistor radio, for instance said FM0.9 is Beijing, FM0.91 listens not clearly. 上旋 in the ball not too transfers, the bright board, transfers slightly presses little; Not too transfers the ball possibly borrows the strength many, transfers the ball to send the strength to be many. The board shape adjustment is specially important, must along with the new tunes. Third is the strength adjustment. I divide into the strength five kinds: The big strength, the medium strength, borrow in the strength to send the strength, to borrow the strength and unloads the strength for the focus. The big strength uses in to smash, 冲杀 the lob and half lob basically uses 90% strength. Some people advocated also must use a bigger strength, but I advocated with 90% strength may. If the arm 抡圆, with ten tenths strength, the ball once came back the next board to have no way to hit. The medium strength most looks at the ability. Mainly uses in the driving attack and continuously attacks, six, seven tenths strength almost. Borrows in the strength to send the strength is one kind of joint effort, and revolves using opposite party strength, in addition own strength and revolve, two strength gather to together. Borrows in the strength to send the strength to resemble is strikes back the header, actually simply does not need to cause the big vigor. Opposite party with six tenths strength, I also uses six tenths strength? I thought if has gotten with the such big vigor also is accidentally. With four, five tenths strength strikes the ball the effect with the seventy to eighty percent effect similarly, moreover former assurance nature is also big. Borrows the strength primarily, multipurpose fast is being locked in a stalemate, in the fast defense and the active defense. This request gets rid of hit probability. Unloads strength multipurpose Yu Baiduan and sends in the drop shot. Some times also unload the strength with the raw rubber or the glued joint arc circle. Studies any new thing, grasps any new technology, first will have to learn to send the strength, the academic society sends the strength later to be easy to study the adjustment ball to be many. Takes serves said, cannot because wants to send the drop shot not to dare to make an effort, gently bumps. Although has been short, but opposite party may casually hit. I must first make an effort, to cause the vigor to endure again, then toward recycles this vigor. Fourth is the rhythm adjustment. Now the speed is the development core, exactly said is speed Canada revolves. The light revolves strongly, speed slow, threatens is not big; The light speed is quick, revolves not strongly, the threat is not big. The pure speed, purely revolves the age has already passed by, the speed, revolves, the strength three unions might is biggest. At present said that, three unions best are the king white, Wang Liqin also in is very good toward this aspect diligently □□on the other hand his speed and the strength, revolves also nearly; Ma Lin revolves very well, the speed and the strength have missed. The rhythm change with revolves is complements one another, with others compared to the is quick ratio only to add the extension, transfers the adaption sped up, this is a time, is fastidious the repertoire. The rhythm spoken lines were a speed, we often said played a ball game "" 一下一下. What is "一下一下"? Wang Tao is the raw rubber, I have taught him nine years, has solved two problems. First, forehand home station quick belt □□this is not I invents, he before also has, only everybody is occasionally uses, he after is commonly used. Second is backhands the raw rubber quickly to dial, the northerner calls "quickly to dig up pulls", this is "一下一下", is "is really quick". The rhythm probably has such several kind of situations with the strength, is same with the tongue twister: "The enemy is heavy I to be heavy", is opposite party sends the strength I to send the strength well, this kind of situation uses not much; "The enemy is light I to be light" □□this kind to use not to be many, is opposite party light time I could not send the strength, again returned to lightly, this was called positively the control and the counter- control. With is quite many is "the enemy is light I heavy" and "the enemy is heavy I to be light" □□respectively is the time which opposite party lightly hits I send the strength, opposite party sends the strength time I defend. In here, we must win over "the enemy to be light I to be heavy". In the rhythm also is, is "enemy quickly I quick" and "the enemy is slow I to be slow". "Enemy I quick" relatively am quickly easy, "the enemy is slow I to be slow" has very many people slow not to get down. The similar truth, "enemy quickly I slow" and "the enemy is slow I to be quick" is same with the strength adjustment, the speed mutually restricts. Says such many, only for everybody reference. (Zhang Fan, Yao far reorganize from Li Xiaodong teaches for male two rows)
Gave up listing, too many changes.
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Longest post ever, when I have time I'll read it.
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The translation is kinda funny :P
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Yea like have you ever translated a site from google, it is so bad.
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National sports team coach Li Xiaodong discussed hits a ball five links ? Hits a ball holds true (on)? Li Xiaodong discussed hits a ball five links? ? ---------- Hits a ball five links: lol
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i lost my racquet

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote liXiao Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03/27/2008 at 10:56pm
I don't even know who Li Xiaodong is. Do you see him at like any of the matches like sitting next to Liu or something.
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LOL. The translation reminds me of descriptions written on the back of chinese brand rubbers. Rubber descriptions are probably translated in a similar way.

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GREAT GREAT ARTICLE! (even though I can only understand half of this English translation)
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i started to doze off.... Cause its just so long. But thanks for the info, ill read it over again to see if i can translate the translation.
Lol... 5 ball links?

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Originally posted by liXiao liXiao wrote:

I don't even know who Li Xiaodong is. Do you see him at like any of the matches like sitting next to Liu or something.
Li Xiaodong is Wan Liqin's and Ma Long's personal coach. You can see him most of the Wan Liqin's and Ma Long's pro tour. I am not sure whether he brought Wan Tao to the national level.
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is he the dude with the glasses?
i lost my racquet

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yes, Li xiaodong is currently coaching wlq and ma long, he also coached wang tao who is now the coach of the 81 team.
funplay, enjoy the game
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ohhh thats the guy
i lost my racquet

Schlager u beast

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oh it seems I didn't thank you the 1st time. Oh well, THANK YOU PP Dui!!!

(='.'=) But there's no sense crying over every mistake,

(")_(") You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
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would be uber if someone could do a real translation :D
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would love to, but I'm personally only up to page 3 or 22 of reading the thing. Perhaps I'll post up the translated version of the stuff I've highlighted. 

(='.'=) But there's no sense crying over every mistake,

(")_(") You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
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I'm not even gonna start, too long >.<
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its just saying the fundemental of playing TT

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Does anyone know who the bald chinese coach is. I know he coaches Hao Shuai.
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Originally posted by liXiao liXiao wrote:

Does anyone know who the bald chinese coach is. I know he coaches Hao Shuai.

yah that's Xiao Zhan, frim sichuan. He's also the coach of Chen Qi
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Originally posted by shij421 shij421 wrote:

Originally posted by liXiao liXiao wrote:

Does anyone know who the bald chinese coach is. I know he coaches Hao Shuai.

yah that's Xiao Zhan, frim sichuan. He's also the coach of Chen Qi

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Wow great pics. So we know Liu Guoliang, Li Xiaodong, Xiao Zhan, and Wu Jingping are Chinese national coaches. Liu Guozheng is asstant to coach Jingping.
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xiao shan lost in the ms final at the national championships in 1989, the name is wu jian ping...anyway xiaodong is known for spoiling matches due to excesive stresful approach to the players, not somebody that can calm you down,
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I'd like to make a list of all the Chinese coaches.
Gewo Aruna Hinoki Carbon
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Originally posted by bbkon bbkon wrote:

xiao shan lost in the ms final at the national championships in 1989, the name is wu jian ping...anyway xiaodong is known for spoiling matches due to excesive stresful approach to the players, not somebody that can calm you down,

it's Wu Jingping Smile
Violin FL
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